Love the Conditional Doctrine.


A great deal of my blogs may from time to time be dedicated to religion, and that is primarily due to the fact that it remains the biggest source of mixed messages in the world and a huge pain in the ass to logical and rational thinking. First let me say I am very proud of being a citizen of the USA and grateful that we as a nation have many freedoms, but over the course of my 43 years of life here I am becoming more increasingly aware of the problems that plague us as a country and in fact a world. From all my experiences of being involved in numerous denominations of the Christian faith and the careful observation I have given to learning faith and religion I have come to the conclusion that religion as we now know it and have held for generations has misrepresented itself on so many levels. Is this anything new really? The truth is that the purposeful sculpting of the doctrine and laws of the bible and faith have been meticulously defined by human motivation. I remember as a child the messages that I first absorbed was first and foremost is that God loves everyone and it didn’t matter what color or ethnicity you came from the love was universal. And this message as a child to me was very comforting and to this day I feel it to be correct and untainted. But when I started growing older I started to see the cracks and hypocrisy within the Protestant Christian ideology and practices. The outright hypocrisy that is taught and ingrained is insidious. Now maybe I should clarify that there are a myriad of divisions within the Christian faith that run the gambit between hard core fundamentalists to more modern ideological thinkers. For my purpose I focus on hard core fundamental Christians. This group takes every word in the bible to be completely literal in meaning. The messages I received when I attended the fundamental churches were astounding and I mean that in a disturbing way. They placed the label of evil on everyone and everything that did not fall into their criteria of belief. Yet on the same note they were quite free themselves to break their own rules and justify them. Harry Potter and Vampires were for example labeled magical and evil yet they wanted everyone to accept burning bushes and parting seas. They taught lessons of lying being wrong spiritually yet they themselves teach their own children to believe in a fictional man named Santa that sneaks in to your house and leaves presents and that he rides a magical sleigh with flying reindeer’s , now forgive me if I am wrong but that sounds pretty damn magically. The fundamental Christians also say they hold Easter to be sacred , yet they teach their children about a mythical Easter Bunny that leaves a Easter basket and hides eggs. Once again forgive me but that sounds magical as well and to the rational person is hypocrisy. In the Biblical teachings it clearly speaks of loving ones neighbor as ourselves, yet in our day and time that is not what is being reflected and displayed by alleged Christians. The messages of a savior and teacher like Jesus have been used by some to tear others down and make Christianity an exclusive club as it were. The atrocities in our United States history in the name of religion have been anything but righteous or good. Children in these groups are being taught that it is OK to hate others because of their color, ethnicity or sexual preference. Love breeds love and hate breeds hate. The justification these groups use to make their actions seem right are taken and distorted from scriptures. The saddest part is they truly feel that they have God on their side. They pull particular verses out of the Bible to substantiate their condemnation yet neglect to apply verses that apply to them. In this country these groups would have others believe our country was founded on Christian beliefs and no other, which is completely incorrect. Our founders were made up of Christians, deists and other various beliefs. In order for our country to escape this self inflated aristocracy is to find commonalities and respect for each other, while not infringing on the beliefs of others. The question is will this arrogant theocracy ever be weeded out, or will it always stand contentious to the fairness of others and to the respect deserved by all? My hope is that as humanity becomes more enlightened and we truly strive for unity, then we will set aside the fairy tales of men and the purposely compromised illogical scripts of ancient texts and simply exist with one another with true love and charity and Christlike behavior.